A Literature Review on Coach-Athlete Relationship in Table Tennis
Coach-athlete relationship is a salient factor in table-tennis as it impacts players’ performance and well-being. The structure and set up in table tennis is often designed so the players and coaches are working together through many stages in the players’ career. For instance, it is not uncommon for coaches of young table tennis players to accompany their respective players to the senior international elite level. Indeed, the access to the knowledge base regarding coach-athlete relationship represents a major issue for the different stakeholders involved in table-tennis (coaches, athletes, parents, sport psychologists, researchers). To that end, we firstly overviewed and discussed the different theoretical models exploring the concept of coach-athlete relationship to clarify the core dimensions of this construct. Secondly, we provided a rationale behind the salient role of coach-athlete relationship in table tennis by detailing its consequences in order to better understand the mechanisms underlying coach-athlete relationship. Thirdly, we addressed how table tennis coaches can develop and/or maintain an adaptive coach-athlete relationship, especially in reference to specific situations in table tennis. In conclusion, the coach-athlete relationship is a particularly important parameter in the daily life of the table tennis players due to its influence on their performance and well-being. Thus, it is essential that the coaches establish relationship promoting athletes’ development throughout their career.
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