Management of Tennis elbow in racket sports – a literature review

Keywords: Tendinopathy, racket sport, overuse injury, lateral epicondylitis


Background: Pain from the lateral aspect of the elbow is a common symptom in racket sports, both in recreational and competitive players. In Tennis elbow (TE), the pain is elicited from the lateral epicondyle and the common extensor origin just distal of the epicondyle. The symptoms are aggravated by gripping activity and might be related to activity level, in work as well as in recreational or elite racket sports. TE is considered to be an overuse injury of degenerative nature and the diagnose is easily made, based on a typical history and clinical findings. Objective: To present current knowledge concerning management of TE in racket sports by a review of the literature. Methods: Narrative literature review. Results: An overview of TE in racket sports with highlight on the clinical features, alternative diagnoses and suggested treatments in the literature. Since TE is considered to be an overuse injury, the paper also provides advises for training plan besides management until resolution of symptoms. Conclusions: This painful condition is self-limiting with a good prognosis. No treatment has convincingly evidence, besides methods for reducing pain symptoms. When the pain symptoms are under control, it is important that the return to racket sports is gradual.

Author Biographies

Martin Fahlström, Umeå University

Department of Clinical Sciences, Professional Development, Umeå University

Eva Zeisig, Umeå University

Department of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences, Orthopaedics, Umeå University


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How to Cite
Fahlström, M., & Zeisig, E. (2022). Management of Tennis elbow in racket sports – a literature review. International Journal of Racket Sports Science, 4(1), 25-31.